Dieppe Fly Tying Club Inc.
Club de montage de mouches-Dieppe Inc.
Constitution and Bylaws
Note: All references to gender refer to both male and female unless specifically indicated otherwise.
I. Name
1. The name of the organization shall be DIEPPE FLY TYING CLUB INC., (CLUB DE MONTAGE
DE MOUCHES-DIEPPE, INC.) herein called “the Club.”
2. The Head office of the Club should be in the City of Dieppe, in the County of
Westmorland and the Province of New Brunswick and at such place therein as the
Executive may from time to time determine.
II. Object
1. The purpose of the Club shall be:
a) To promote the sport of fly tying and fly fishing and the spirit of good
fellowship among anglers;
b) To encourage fly tying and fly fishing for everyone;
c) To promote the sport among often underrepresented demographic groups
such as women and youth;
d) To cooperate with all organizations in the conservation of our natural
and wildlife resources; and
e) To organize and promote the Dieppe Fly Fishing Forum.
III. Affiliation
1. The Club is affiliated with the New Brunswick
Salmon Council.
IV. Powers
1. The Club shall be a non-profit organization and no monetary benefit, interest or dividend
shall accrue to any member. The Club can get and collect gifts, bequests or donations
and undertake other fundraising activities. Revenues generated shall be used to pay
necessary operating expenses but are mostly to be given to conservation organizations
V. Executive
1. The Executive Board shall serve without pay and consist of eight (8) members.
2. The Executive shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer plus four
directors nominated by the membership at the Annual General Meeting (AGM)
3. (a) The President shall preside at all Board meetings, appoint committee members and perform
other duties as associated with the office. (b) The Vice President shall assist the President and shall
assume the duties of the President in case of the President’s absence. (c) The Secretary shall be
responsible for the minutes of the Board, keep all approved minutes in a minute book and send
out copies of minutes to the Board. (d) The Treasurer shall keep record of the organization’s
budget and prepare financial reports as needed.
4. The Executive shall serve three to eight years.
5. Vacancies shall be filled annually at the next AGM.
6. The Executive shall meet as required to conduct the business of the Club when called by
the President or Vice President.
7. Executive members absent from 3 consecutive meetings may be dismissed from the Executive.
8. The President and the Vice President shall represent the Club at the NB Salmon Council regular and annual meetings.
VI. Voting
1. (a) A majority of Executive constitutes a quorum. (b) In the absence of a quorum, no formal
action shall be taken except to adjourn the meeting to a subsequent date.
2. Passage of a motion requires a simple majority (i.e., one more than half the Executive
members present.)
VII. Conflict of Interest
1. Any member of the Executive who has a financial, personal or official interest in, or conflict
(or appearance of a conflict) with any matter pending before the Executive, of such nature that
it prevents, or may prevent, that member from acting on the matter in an impartial manner,
will offer to the Executive to voluntarily excuse themselves from voting.
VIII. Fiscal Policies
1. The fiscal year of the Club shall be the January 1st to December 31st.
2. The signing officers of the Club shall be the President or Vice President plus the Treasurer.
3. In the event of dissolution of the Club, all remaining assets, after paying existing liabilities, shall
be distributed as determined by the majority of members in good standing, present at the final
meeting of the Club.
IX. Amendments
1. This constitution and these by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of Executive members
present at any meeting, provided a quorum is present and a copy of the proposed amendment(s)
have been provided for each Executive member at least one week prior to the said meeting.
X. Members Rights and Responsibilities
1. The membership of the Dieppe Fly Tying Club shall be open to persons who support its purposes as defined in the by-laws and who register as a member annually.
2. There is no cost to be a member of the Club.
3. The only costs involved will be for special activities which will not be mandatory.
4. Any member who has incurred expenses while performing a duty or assignment directly
requested by the Club shall be reimbursed said monies when such monies are available,
and only upon proof of expenditures.
XI. Annual General Meeting (AGM)
1. The annual meeting of the Club will be held in December of each year.
2. Regular meetings will be held every Tuesday evening between October 15th and
April 15th unless otherwise notified.
3. At the annual meeting, every question shall be determined by a simple majority of
votes unless the bylaws specify otherwise. The vote could be open or secret.
4. The annual meeting would be for the purpose of election of the Executive, the hearing
of reports and for such other business as may be brought by the Membership.
5. At the annual meeting, the President, in case of a tie, shall cast the deciding vote.
6. Any challenge to procedure will be resolved in accordance with “Robert’s Rules of Order.”
XII. Miscellaneous Dispositions
1. The Club’s name, badge or logo may not be used in personal or commercial advertising or
for any other purpose whatsoever unless approval the Executive has been granted in writing
for each and every occasion or event. Members shall be consulted with respect to the
development of the Club’s insignia or logo.
2. The affairs of the Club shall be conducted in the English language. However, the Club shall
endeavor to the extent practicable to transact its business with each member in the language
of his choice. In particular, the Club shall ensure that its name, logos, advertising and other
identifications shall bear the Club’s name in both the English and French languages.
The preceding is enacted as the combined Constitution and the Bylaws of the Dieppe Fly Tying Club Inc.
(Club de montage de mouches-Dieppe, Inc.) and shall become effective on the date adopted by the members of the Club at an Annual General Meeting of the membership, as evidenced by the Chair and Secretary’s signatures appearing below.
SANCTIONED AND CONFIRMED by vote of the membership of the Club on the ___________________
Day of ___________________, 2009.
Signed __________________________________
President ___________________________________